Founded in 1989, Lakeside Interior Contractors has become a highly regarded, multi-disciplined interior and exterior finish contractor recognized for delivering superior quality and exceptional attention to service. Our company has developed a standard of expertise in project management, value engineering and the development of motivated workforce teams focused on customer satisfaction. We place a strong emphasis on conforming to the exact specifications of the client, which has helped us grow to employ approximately 200 skilled craftsmen who are trained and continuously educated to work efficiently and safely.
For Over 35 Years
Lakeside Interior Contractors is a multi-disciplined commercial interior and exterior finish contractor delivering superior quality and exceptional service for over 35 years.
Featured Projects
Lakeside Interior Contractors is constantly involved in a wide range of projects in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. From institutional and health care related projects to large commercial, governmental and industrial projects, Lakeside Interior has the experience and expertise to handle a multitude of commercial interior and exterior contracting needs.
View All ProjectsHeinz Facility Epoxy Floor Coating System
The Lakeside team completed the following project tasks: Installed Epoxy floor coating system
Read MoreUniversity of Toledo North Engineering Building
The Lakeside team completed the following project tasks: Drywall Paint Acoustic panels Wall wallcovering / murals Stained woodwork Painted railings Ceilings – ACT and acoustical sound ceiling panels (ACOUSTIBUILT® Seamless Acoustical Ceiling System)
Read MoreConstruction Equipment & Supply Sandusky
The Lakeside team completed the following project tasks: Painting Epoxy flooring
Read MoreRossford’s Multi-Use Building
The Lakeside team completed the following project tasks: Acoustical Ceiling Baffles Drywall Tape/Finish Flooring Finishing Framing Acoustical Wall Panels EIFS Air Vapor Barrier Polish Concrete LVT Carpet
Read MoreJefferson Center
The Lakeside team completed the following tasks: Drywall Framing Paint Ceilings Finish Existing plaster patching
Read MoreWTOL Newsroom
The Lakeside team completed the following project tasks: Framing metal stud / drywall / bulkheads / walls Tape and finish Painting
Read MoreHollywood Barstool
The Lakeside team completed the following tasks: Painting Acoustical Ceilings Drywall Tape/Finish Flooring Finishing Framing Wall Covering
Read MoreThe latest from Lakeside
Habitat for Humanity “Mike Cray Blitz Build” in Bradner, Ohio
Lakeside will again be partnering with Ridgestone Builders to complete a Wood County Habitat for Humanity project.
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Lakeside Employee Awarded “Apprentice of the Year”
Lakeside is extremely proud of Maddie King, who was recently awarded "Apprentice of the Year" by the District Council 6 of the International Union of Painters & Allied Trades.
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